Tonight on...THE BLOG

Captain's Blog

Star Date: 12 April 1916

(Director's note: and cue music! Cut to the bridge)
Music fades in with a guitar intro.
"🎸🎼 There's a war going on inside of me
Don't be afraid.
There's a war going on inside of me
Be afraid
Be afraid
Be afraid
It's just about to break. It's more than I can take! Everything's about to change! I feel I it in my veins. It's not going away! Everything's about to change...🎢
Music fades out

(Audience is on their feet! Whistling! Hooting and hollering! Clapping like mad men!)
Whoooooo!! Hey!!!!!! How it's going? Ya liking our new theme song?
(Audience is still on their feet! Wildly applauding!)
Yeahhh!! Alright!!!
That's "War of Change" by Thousand Foot Krutch! I LOVE that song!!
Yeah buddy!!
Thank you! Thank You! THANK YOU!!!
Ha! Ha! That's just fantabulous! So glad you like our theme song!
Welcome to our show! We are just chock full of surprises this evening! Not only do we have a theme song but we also have a new name for the programme! We are now... I need to channel my announcer voice, THE BLOG!!
Audience is whooping it up!
I see that you're all digging the changes we made here! There aren't many changes made just a few tweaks here and there. Just want to keep things fresh in the mix!
Alrighty then! We have got a great lineup for tonight! First off, +Bon Jovi has an app that we will discuss and rate and some more Q & A from the audience! Plus, a SURPRISE announcement from me! All in our show ahead! We'll have a brief word from our sponsor! Get a drink and join us on the couch!
(Director:break away for commercial)
SUFFERING from the cold weather blues? Kids DRIVING you BATTY because the windchill is in single digits and too COLD for the them to play outside? What to do? What to do? Oh, woe is you! I have a simple solution! Break out your πŸ“Ήcamcorder and create your version of funny home videos! Upload to +SocialCam or +YouTube! Have a viewing party! Yes, involve everyone! Grandma doing Gangnam Style, Grandpa rapping like +Macklemore! Cute kids and clever pets get thousands of views! Do it today!
(Director: back in 4,3,2,πŸ‘‰)
And we are back!
So, lets get comfy cozy on the couch! Please use a coaster for your bevvy. Thanks! Lol!
Before the break, I mentioned about a surprise announcement!
Calm down! Calm down! We'll get to that bit just yet!
Yeah, I have a confession and I admit that it's about my addiction!
GASP!! WTF!! 😱
Hey, it's ok! No worries! I'm good with it now!
Yes, my addiction is to the...iPHONE!! The bugger is constantly within my reach,in my hand or tucked away inconspicuously in a pocket! I even SLEEP with my iPhone! Yeah! It's bad! I know but I'm seeking help!
Audience laughs.
Yeah! I have iPhone5 envy,as well! I don't need a new phone but I want to get one anyways! With a "plausible"explanation, the purchase becomes justifiable! Ha! Ha! Sounds like enabling to me! I told ya it was BAD! Real BAD!!
Ok! Enough about me!
Wowsers!! Lol! Alrighty then, moving along. Let's discuss the new +Bon Jovi app. The app was released in conjunction with the new +Bon Jovi album release. It's a interactive app that can be downloaded to your smart phone via the link on the +Bon. Jovi +Facebook page. Instructions for using the app on are also in the same post! What the app allows you to do is watch the album cover artwork become animated! There is another app created by +Aurasma. Download and install this app first before using the +Bon Jovi app. You will then create auras and aura Channels to upload and share. Ok, so I did all this and found out that either I'm not doing it correctly or I don't know the meaning behind overlay in photographer's terminology! Using images already on your device via the +Aurasma app, you can create an overlay. Snap a new image and the position the overlay as a layer. Voila! An aura has been created! Or NOT! Yeah, the overlay is not visible! Overlays are transparent or so I thought but after I created the aura, I was disappointed in the final image. I'm going to experiment still. Hopefully, I'll get it to work. So, my rating is 7 out of a 10. It's a free app. If you want to check it out, type Bon Jovi in the search box in the App Store
I was watching a +YouTube video a couple days ago, the YouTuber was reporting that +One Directioner +Zayn Malik is supposedly to be leaving the boy band!
According to the report, Zayn is homesick and misses his family! He's tired of the constant touring, travelling and just being on the road more than being at home! He's 20 years old, has girlies on the fly, making beacoup dollars and he wants to chuck it all! Idk if it's true or not. I feel his pain but this is his job and what he signed up for by being talented and good looking! Hey! This is my opinion and don't hate now!

It's that time again!
New name for our show, a theme song and now, a segment of the show, called Questions From The Audience!
Hmm... You, madam, on the aisle, what's your question?
Uh..who? Me? I just was getting up to go use, I mean, powder my nose!
Ok! Mention my name and you'll get a good seat! Best seat in the house! Your own private booth! Lol! Next question!
How's bout the strapping young lad. Do you have a query for me?
Yeah. What's your favourite app to use for +iPhoneography?
I have two apps that are my go-to apps for shooting and one that I use for editing. +Hipstamatic and +645 Pro. I use +Snapseed and now, a bit more of +photoshop express for post editing.
(Director: wrap it up! We're running long!)
One final question! Running out of time!
Yeah! Which do you prefer...boxers or briefs? Neither, I don't wear them! If I had my druthers, every guy out there would wear boxer briefs. Y'know that's just me! My personal preference!
Great show everyone! Glad that you could make it! Thanks for watching! Have a good night! Be safe and until we meet again,
+Keep Calm
Peace out mah peeples!✌
May the Force be with you!
Director's note: and cue music! Cut to the bridge)
Music fades in with a guitar intro.
"🎸🎼 There's a war going on inside of me
Don't be afraid.
There's a war going on inside of me
Be afraid
Be afraid
Be afraid
It's just about to break. It's more than I can take! Everything's about to change! I feel I it in my veins. It's not going away! Everything's about to change...🎢
Music fades out


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