THE BLOG: Took a Small Hiatus

Captain's Log.
Star Date: 02/022/2.2222

Woot! Woot! 
(Audience gives a standing O!)
I KNOW! I KNOW! Right? Ha! Ha! 
Been a long time coming. 
(Audience still on feet. Thunderous applause.) 
Ha! Ha! Love it! ❤ Thanks to all mah peeps! Love you guys! 💋 
OH MY GAW!! How could I forget?! Let's play   our theme song! 
(Director cue music. Thousand Foot Krutch: WAR OF CHANGE blasts through studio P.A.s)
(Audience fist pumping, hooting, hollering and singing along!) 
You guys TOTALLY ROCK! ✌✌✌✌✌
Ok! Ok! On with the show! 
For starters, get your drink of choice. Mine is coffee.☕. Get comfy in your seats and let's start this off right!! 
My first guest, really wanted to be on this show before but due to scheduling here NOW!!!  I wanna hear a warm, GINORMOUS welcome for....CEDWARD!!!
(Girls in the audience throwing their digits at  Cedward, screaming I love yous and Be my baby daddys.
Cedward acknowledges the girls, waves to them and randomly picks lucky lass to give a peck on the neck.)
WHOA!! IF THAT DOESN'T BEAT ALL!! Now, ladies, no panty droppers  on the show! Ha! Ha! 
Wow, Cedward,
Call me Ced.
Kk. Ced, did you expect that  type of reaction?! 
Oh hellz yeah! J/K Nah, I'm always flattered and bit embarrassed at the same time! Thanks, Ladies! 💋
(Girls still clamoring for touch from Cedward!)
K, mah peoples, betcha didn't know that, not only is Cedward, Ced, an accomplished actor and singer but he's taken up +iphoneography as well! Add that to your curriculum vitae! 
Yeah, yeah, I've just recently started and not that good but it's been a work in progress! 
Have you brought some snaps to show to our fine, fine audience? Guys, this is includes you! 
I have a few shots  that I recently took when I was on a movie set. Also,brought some from when I was on a walkabout with my  GF in a local park. Can't show the movie set shots,though. 
No worries. No worries. Yeah,the movie thing is on the down low,eh? 
Yeah it is. Sorry!
Right, then! Let's have a butchers with your park photos. 
The real cool thing about the +iPhone is that shooting, editing and publishing is done in a short amount of time. My GF is always getting info about new Photography apps. I don't know how or where she gets it but she'll tell me "hey, this is new and it's free for limited time". 
Coolio! What's the latest app that your GF is using? 
It's called PHOTO STUDIO. quite by accident and in her case, luck, she will get an email about a new app for editing or shooting. Her friends will post on +FACEBOOK about a new social network for photographers. Stuff like that. That's how I got into *iphoneography. 
That's grand! All right, quit teasing us. Lol! 
Right! Lol! This is the Rusty Metal Collection. Shot with the +iPhone 5 and edited using +Snapseed and +Photo Studio. For me,editing is a lot of trial and error. Mostly, error! Lol! 
These are FABULOUS!! You most def have a keen eye for photography.
Thanks. I can't take all  the credit. It's my GF! She is a good scout for location! Lol! 
We'll be walking and I'll looking around at things like trees or the sky. She 'll be like "hey, babe! Check out this cool pattern of tree bark!" 
I'm thinking:"yeah, love, nice. Not really." Lol! Next thing, she snaps it and shows me the image and it's brilliant! Fecking brilliant! 
Cool....has your GF taken any classes for photography? 
Nope. She's mostly self-taught. Now, she is teaching me!  
Have you anymore shots? 
Yeah. Yeah. Here's one that I took, btw, it's not "snapped"or "taken" photogs say "captured" or " shot". It's another language! I have to admit, I'm flummoxed at times. 
Yeah, I get that! Learning about apertures, f-stops and shutter speed. Confusing for a newbie like me. 
Yeah, yeah! It's not pics but images or photos. 
Cool shot of a staircase! Getting a nice angle and some depth of field. 
Thanks. Like, I said, a work in progress. 
Any shots of you and your GF or just her? 
No, sorry to disappoint. She'd rather be behind the camera instead if in front of it! Lol! 
Hey! I'm with her there! I've foot a great face for radio! 😝😆😆

Well, would you look at the time?! Where has  it gone?!
I know ,right?!
Seriously! I was hoping to do a Q&A  with the audience but we've been jabbering on and now, gotta take a commercial break. Be right back after this brief message! 

Feeling listless? Restless? No energy? The kids are crying, dog's barking and your husband is texting you about the boss coming for dinner....TONIGHT! What to do! Panic mode sets in or...dial 1-999-99555-help for quick emergency rescue! Tell us your situation! Need a dinner fix? No worries! Got it covered! Via our website or toll free number, we bring to you a nice dinner complete with entree, two side dishes and dessert! No time to  pick up kids from soccer or band practice because you're stuck in the office? Give us a call. We will pick them up and drop them off and pre-determined destination! There, now, we've added some spark and spunk back to your life. 
1-999-555-help. Enter us into your contacts on your mobile and put us on speed dial in your landline! Don't forget out website: 
Give us a try! Tell your friends! 

Annnd we are back and on track! Before the commercial break, we were chatting with Cedward. He's added +iphoneographer to his resume and long list of many talents. 
Aww, I'm not that talented! Just lucky! Lol! 
No, me personally, I feel that you have chops when comes to acting and you have mad  skillz  when it comes to musicianship! 
Mah girlies, do you FEEL me here!
(The ladies in the audience scream and shout in agreement!) 
One question for Cedward. The little girl in the pink hoodie on the aisle. Go ahead with your ask. 
Hi, Cedward! I'm a big fan! 
Hi. What's your name? Please call me Ced. Thanks. 
K,...Ced. Do you plan on doing any sort of thriller movies or just mostly indie stuff?
Good question! I would love to do a psychological thriller! A haunted man! His past actions come back and he can't shake the feeling of insanity that they create! 
That's intense! I would watch that!! 
(Director: cue closing music.) 
Awww! We gotta say goodbye! 
Ced, please come back to THE BLOG again! It was so great to have you as our guest! 
I'd love to come back! Thanks for the invite. 
You're more than welcome!
Who wants to have more of CEDWARD on THE BLOG? 
(Girls in the audience scream to a deafening level!) 
All righty then, it's decided! Lol! 
Yeah, guys,  we will most def have a guest for you! Some eye candy! 
(Guys hoot and holler! Some yell the name of a famous hot supermodel) 
Yeah , we'll work on that one! Lol! 
See ya! 
May the Force be us all! 
Peace out!


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