It's Monday...AGAIN!!

Captain's Blog.
Star Date: All Presidents Day

What the heck happened?! Never mind what happened but HOW did it happen?! It's friggin' Monday!! Bugger! I thought we just had Monday! Like last week!
I know! I know! Stop reminding you! Right? Yeah, I get it! Lol! Well, one good thing about today, is the fact it's my day off! A FULL day off! OH MY GAW!! I can use it!

So, it's a different format today for THE BLOG!
We are live on remote at +Tim Hortons and it's rrrrrroll up the rim time!! Good luck all! I hope that you don't get a "please play again" message under your rim!
I didn't blog this past weekend because I spent most of my time working! Hey! That's all good! I could have been still unemployed! Right? Right? Lol!
Please if you could all join me in a moment of respect to honour +Mindy McCready. She passed this morning. Left behind are her two young sons and family. Whatever you may feel about her and her struggles in her life, which we all have, please take time send love and support to her loved ones. Please don't hate and judge. May she rest in peace and may God have mercy upon her soul.

Thoroughly enjoying my extra large Timmie's coffee! To me, it's the best cup of Joe! My coffee is a double double with +Splenda and the great coffee flavour,taste and aroma comes shining through!! Yumm!! Plus, the wifi is outstanding!! Thanks +Tim Hortons!! You're the best!! I like the fact that the coffee is fresh and after 20 minutes, the old coffee is discarded! The particular cafe and bake shop that I am at,
is busy and so the coffee is always being brewed!! That's good! Keeps the profit margins low because the product is being sold consistently!!

Hmmm...I haven't still found out about what's wrong with my computer. Ran some diagnostics. It's also 5 years old! Time for a new one!! On my wish list is the +Mac Pro Book 2 by +Apple. I also decided that I'm most def getting the iPhone 5!
I have entered a contest sponsored by a local radio station. The contest is win a meet and greet with +Passion Pit, take photos at their show and win a CAMERA!! Idk what kind of camera and the contest ends today! There also is a acoustic set before the show this Thursday! I JUST found out that I have to work on Thursday evening. The acoustic set starts at 3 and it's FREE!! All ages welcome! It is limited seating. First come, first served. I work at +Walgreens until 3:30! I have to go in at 5 to my night job. and maybe, I hope that I can at least make the acoustic show. The very small venue is about 7 mins from my day job. I would LOVE to have a photo opp for the afternoon performance! Talk about up close and personal! Fingers crossed!
One of my morning routines, is to check +Facebook and then my emails. I received an invitation to join a photography group on +Flickr! Of course , I checked out the photos before joining. Sometimes, photos that are uploaded aren't always taken by the person doing the uploading. That can be a good or bad thing! From past experience, I've also learned not to go blindly into following or friending an individual or groups! I've seen some things and I'm sure that YOU have too, that well, isn't my cup of tea. This group is legit and has an artistic nature and there are some guidelines that the group asks to for its members to be aware of before submitting images. ! Right up my alley!! Yes! I joined! I was, like thrilled to be invited!

Time to be heading out, my CHIVERS!
Monday is my errand day. GTG!
Two hours is long enough to be sitting here! I don't want them to kick me out lol! Just kidding! I gave them free publicity by mentioning the name of the company in my blog! Shameless Plug! Lol!

Until we meet again,
May the Force be with you! Keep calm and
Come to the +Tim Hortons on 💥5 Mile Raod and Telegraph💥It's in Redford, Michigan. One of the managers, came by my table and asked if I didn't receive my rrrroll up the rim cup. I said " no". He, then, gave me one! Told him that I was blogging and I said that I would mention them in my blog! Now, talk about customer service! Thanks so much! Well, I didn't win but like I said it's about customer service!
💢+Tim Hortons +Tim Hortons Canada +Tim Hortons North America +Tim Hortons Michigan +Tim Hortons Midwest 💢
Peace my peoples! ✌
Sidebar: I DO proofread but I always find that I needed to do more editing! 😁Sorry! Lol


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