THE BLOG: Weekend Edition

Captain's Blog:
Star Date: 1.0 Avril 1905.5

(Director: and cue music! Music fade in. Cut to the bridge!)
Guitar intro for Thousand Foot Krutch: War Of Change
(Director: music fade out)

(Audience acts like they are at a concert!)

Hey!!! Welcome!! Ho! Ho! No crowd diving here guys! We don't have a mosh pit! Lol!
(Audience clapping wildly!)
Yeah! Yeah! That's what I'm talking about! Thanks for all the love, guys! We here at THE BLOG are digging it! Feeling it! Respecting it! Much love to all of you out there in our audience!!
IT'S THE WEEKEND!! WHOOOO!!! Alright! Hello, you sexy thing! I've been waiting for you since Monday!
(Audience cheering and whistling!)
Since, it's Saturday night and no, it's not alright for fighting...unless its Kung Fu fighting, it's the Weekend Editon of our programme! Grab your fave brewski or ya pink drink, let's settle into the Fan Cave and on with the show! Pass the beer nuts , please. Have some pretzels!
(Director: go to commercial )
"Credit Card debt? Bill collectors calling at all hours of the day? It's either pay bills or eat? Garnished wages? The lawyers at is Cheat M, Fleece.M, and Howe will help you get back on your feet to worry free financial freedom! Call today @1.999.555.6789. The first consultation is free!
(Director: back in 5,4,3,2,👉)
We are back! Got my feet up in the air, wearing my fave fuzzy slippers, a pretty pink drink, the remote control by my side and we off to the races!
(starts flipping through channels)
Let's poll the audience... chick flick or action flick?
(Men in audience yell Action! Women yell Romance)
Bazinga!! You guys aren't here to watch TV! No Way!!
How many of you downloaded the +Bon Jovi? Give it a whirl? Show of hands!
Aww, that's not many! Not many! Lol No worries!
I was searching on the +App store earlier and I'm on a mission. Scrolling through my previous episodes, I came across an ad for making a blog into an app! Cool idea! Ya think that I can find it now? Nope! Isn't that the way? Finding something that you think: "Nah, I'm not gonna need it, now to OMG, why didn't I buy/download it when I first saw it!" Story of my life! Tried different keywords in the search but alas and alack, nothing matched my search! Buckets!!

The East Coast was hit hard again! I bet there were a ton of Finding Nemo jokes since the storm was named Nemo! How long before the jokes got old? Lol!

I have here in my hand some pieces of paper with questions from Twitter.
@jakesmam asks: have you wanted to do podcasts?
Our producers have toyed with the idea of podcasts. Podcasts may be in the offing.
@ janny1411
asks: what other camera apps do you use or have used?
I recently downloaded the +Wood Camera which I may have mentioned before. I'm not too keen on it. I have used +Camera Plus and also another vintage app. I really prefer the +645 Pro and +Hipstamatic apps. I feel that both are user friendly and take fabulous images. I like the choices for lenses and film that both apps offer.

(Director: music fade in)
When The Levee Breaks by Led Zeppelin
(Flash mob of air guitar and air drums)
I got MAD SKILLS on the air drums! I'm Channeling John Bonham!
(Director: let's wrap it up and go to the pub!)
Ok! Mah Peeples! Once again, it's been great having you here and hope you enjoyed the Weekend Edition of THE BLOG!
See you , Monday!
Until we meet again,
Keep Calm
May the Force be with you!
Peace out! ✌
(Director: cue War of Change)
(Music loops chorus to fade)


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