Fireside Blogging...At Tim Hortons

Captain's Log.

Star Date: 31/02/1999.99999999

Hey to all!
Guten Tag meinen Freundin aus Deutchland!
Hey up our , kid to my blighty family and
friends in blighty land!
What up, Doe to mah peeps in the D!
Greetings to all on a snowy Monday!
It's time for another episode of my blog! Are YOU ready?? YEAH!!
Sidebar: I will learn how to say hello in Korean and in Russian!
Hey, yeah, I know it's Monday and no, it's not a fun day! Boo! Hiss!
Today's show is brought to you by: +PINGO. +Pingo: Be a Patron! Be an artist! It's a cool new website where you can commission and ALSO be commissioned! Have some artwork to sell but where to go to sell it? Want to buy some artwork but limited on funds? Connect on Pingo! Barter, trade, swap or purchase wares and/or your wares! Join Pingo today! The URL is:
Yeah, I'm there! Lol!
Ok! Now, back to out programme!
We are fireside today for our episode and it's a great change of pace! +Tim Hortons cafe and bake shops now, have fireplaces in their newly remodeled shops! Love it! Perfect for this snowy day!
So, things are shaping up for +Texas Sugar Bradley! Yeah, you remember Texas Sugar Bradley! There is now a logo for the fan page on +Facebook and +Twitter! I was stumped for a bit about how to create a logo since my computer went kaput! Then, I remembered about an app that I have on my trusty +iPhone! It's called +It's My Photo! I can create a watermark using various fonts, colours and then use what I've made to sign my images and even manage which water marks I want to sign my photos with! Thus, I created my logo! Moving onto the next app, +Photoshop Express, I scrolled through the borders category for a cool attention grabbing frame! I was so excited Voila! Yay!! I tell ya! My smart phone has pert near replaced my computer!! Which is soo good at this point! Lol.
Sidebar: there is a great debate within my brain about getting a tablet versus getting a new computer!

So, today, let's go to YOU, the audience! Any questions or suggestions? How about comments? Umm, let's start over here with the young lady in the pink.
"What decided that you should blog about using your iPhone?"
Good question!
I noticed how when I take an image with one of my phone's apps or when I'm on a game or+ Facebook, it's a whole new world!
How about you, Sir?
"Yeah, uh, new to the world of blogging but do you like to blog?"
but I wish that I could have a bit more time for blogging! Thanks.
Lady in the front.
"I just love your photography and what do you hope to accomplish as a photographer? "
How do you mean?
"Do you want to touch people with your images or do you want to make money and be famous?"
Wow! Great question!
Yes, I do want to touch people with my photography and yes, I want to make money as a photographer! However, no, I don't want to be famous! I've seen how fame can make/break people! Not everyone handles fame well! It would be so nice if someone famous liked my photography so much that they purchased one of my works! For now, I'm paying my dues and honing my craft!
Thanks for you interest and saying you liked my photography!
Sidebar: my images are available for purchase on instacanvas and Pingo!
Ok! One last question from the audience.
"Do you do weddings?"
No, not at the moment but it's something I do want to do and I actually have been asked this question before!
I have been reading some tips from prominent wedding photographers. So, I'm seriously interested!
Gee! You've all been great but I've got to go! Thanks for viewing and all your grey questions! I hope to see you all again! Soon!
Until we meet again,
May the Force be with you!
Peace! ✌


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