
Captain's blog.
Star Date: 11, February, 2014

(Director: cue Manic Monday by the Bangles. Fade in music)
(Applause sign lights up)
Wild and appreciative applause!

Welcome! Welcome! It's Monday on THE BLOG! Lets have a show of hands for removing Mondays from the calendar!
(Hands are the air! Many audience members have raised both hands.)
Yeah! Buddy! That's what I'm talking about! In 3, let's shout out that Mondays suck! 1⃣,2⃣,3⃣...
(audience gives standing ovation)
Well, I tell ya! I can't do Mondays without a big helping of caffeine! ☕ Seriously! It's the only way that I can make it to Tuesday!
Lol. Excuse me, gotta take a sip.
Ahhhh! That's the stuff!
Y'know it's not fair that I'm drinking coffee and you're not! If my P.A.s could pass cups of the coffee to those in need. Thanks. Much better now, eh?
Just had a thought. Not good! So, we obliterate Monday from the calendar, it's a four day work week...
(audience member yells YEAH, BABY!), we get paid for four days instead of five and here's the worst part, Tuesday becomes Monday!
Cheer up because it's one less day to Hump Day, Wednesday and only three more days until the weekend!
(audience hoots and hollers!)
Now, there wasn't any episode of THE BLOG on Sunday. I decided to take a walk! Lol ๐ŸŽถI took a walk!๐ŸŽถ
I drove to a local park that has nature trails and hiked through the snow! So many people had the same idea! Walking their dogs and families with kids just walking in general! I really had no idea where I was headed and didn't really care! Grabbed my +Canon Power shot point and shoot camera and my trusty iPhone!
Sidebar: told ya that I was addicted to the +iPhone!
The trails were clearly marked. My mind started to play tricks on me about being lost in the snowy woods! Oh no! Who would find me? Would I freeze to death?! Would my phone's charge last long enough for the First Responders to pick up my signal? What if I was caught short and the lavs are
closed for the season?! Lol! I told myself never fear: there's GPS on the phone. Plus, a compass! I really didn't need to be concerned because everybody and their uncle with dogs, were out and about! Couldn't get lost if I tried! Lol! Shot some great black and white winter pics. Even found a creek!

I played a bit more with the Bon Jovi app last night and it's really an interactive app for the computer and a smart phone combined. Eventually, I'll get the hang of it... I did notice that there's an actual community revolving around the band and the app. There's liking, subscribing and sharing functions within the app. Fans can chat with another fan and watch videos from +Bon Jovi. There's also an unlocking of more goodies when one has reached certain levels, for example, liking a auras created by others, sharing to a social network and the like. Still on the fence. Lol
(Director: go to commercial)
❤ Guys! Valentine's day is 3 days away and are you stuck as what to get your significant other? Ladies, what do you want your special someone to give you?
Flowers and boxes of candy are nice but oh so HO HUM!! I have the perfect answer ! Take some time to select a nice large red bow and ribbon. Don't scrimp on the cost! You don't want to come across as tacky or cheap! Spritz on the one fragrance that you know drives your sweetie mad! Wrap your self up in ribbon and attach the bow in a rather romantic position/ area! Done! Give yourself as a gift! Who could ask for anything more intimate?!
(Director: back in 4⃣,3⃣,2⃣,๐Ÿ‘‰)
We ARE back!
Time for the segment know as: Let's Adk The Audience! Last time, we took some queries from some tweeps. Today, lets keep it live!
First question.
Yeah, love THE BLOG and love your work!
Thank you! We love having you here!
My question is : do you plan on going to school for photography or have you?
My answer. Yes, I plan on going to school for photography. It's something that I need and want to do. No, I haven't had any schooling as of yet. Mostly, self -taught. Thanks. Next question.
Which photographers inspire you? Past or present.
I'm very much inspired by Ansel Adams, Andy Warhol, Edward Steichen, Richard Avedon and +Bryant Eslava.
One more question?
Who's your favourite all-time musician?
Hands down! It's Jimi Hendrix! Jimmy Page is a close first!
(Director: wrap it up!)
Awww, folks, it's time say farewell, once again!
I bid you adieu until maรฑana!
Don't touch that dial! Don't change that's station! Same time! Same place! Same channel!
Until we meet again...
May the Force be with you!
Keep Calm
Drink coffee!
(Director: cue I Hate Mondays by the The Boomtown Rats. Fade in. Cut to the chorus and fade out)

Disclaimer: the twitter usernames were my own.


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