THE BLOG: Friday Night At The Videos

Captain's Blog.

Star Date: The Ides of February.

(Director: cue theme music. Fade in and cut to bridge, loop chorus and fade out)
(Thousand Foot Krutch: War of Change)

(Wild cheering and applauding from audience)

HEY It's FFFFRIDAY!!!! We've waited all week for you!! You sweet, sexy thang,you've FINALLY arrived! Yeah! Baby!!
(Whooping, hooting and hollering audience is on their feet)
Welcome to THE BLOG!! So glad that you could be here with us today! THANK YOU! In fact, I'm glad that I could be here today with you, as well! As you know. The last couple of days, I've been feeling under the weather! OMG!! I was craving homemade chicken noodle soup so BADLY! It's referred to as Jewish mother's penicillin and I was DYING for some!! Lol!
I love the +Campbell Chunky homemade chicken noodle soup and also +Progresso chicken noodle. I was beyond disappointed when I looked at the sodium contents! Both soups, per serving, sodium a levels were HIGH! Even the reduced sodium and lite or healthy versions were still high in salt!! Disappointed be a use I had such a taste for it! Y'know when you have a taste for something and it's not available, nothing else sounds or even tastes good! I digress, though! Lol!
Tonight, we have a great show lined up again! I've been watching +YouTube videos most of the evening and I must be late to the party because I JUST discovered Sophia Grace and Rosie on +Ellen! I mean, seriously! Where have i been?! Hiding under a rock all this time? LOL!! These girls are so adorable, darling and cute!! Very unaffected by the media blitz!! I love the tea time segment! Sophia Grace's reaction to her first meeting +Nicki Minaj had me SOOO excited for her! Rosie is such a good interviewer! I love her questions! Asking such in depth questions to +Miley Cyrus, +Justin Bieber and +Taylor Swift as to their favourite candy or ice cream and if they liked cookies! Great stuff!! Lol!
Next up for my viewing pleasure was a cooking channel! The recipe was Chicken Curry Pot Pie!! I swear that smell o vision had been activated!! I could smell the aroma of curry, garlic, chicken, chiles and veggies cooking as the dish was being prepared!! You eat with your eyes! I will have to make this recipe one day!! I had to wipe the drool of my iPhone screen!! Ha! Ha! Last but not least, was my fave vlogging family! No, not the +Shaytards but +Shaycarl's brother, CaseyLevere. Sorry, Shay but I love Casey's dry sense of humour!! It was Valentine's Day for Casey and his family. Too cute! Casey has a son who is a scene stealer!! He's only a preschooler but he is just too cute without being precocious!
(Director break away for commercial)
Ladies! Girls! Sisters! Yeah, I'm talking to you! Ever wonder why you're still single? Have many frogs have you kissed? Ever think you have that fairy tale ending? Guess no more! With Date a Hottie, you can view profiles of attractive men who are just your type! Create a profile, list your likes, turn offs, secret wishes and dreams! Now, let the romancing begin!
a monthly subscription is required and not all clients will have the same results!
(Director: back in 4⃣,3⃣,2⃣👉)
🎶La la🎶🎶 I just feel like singing silly songs! 🎶Waa! Waaa! Yeah! 🎶🎶
(Audience laughing)
Tonight, I wanted to tell everyone about this app I came across on my news feed on +Facebook. It's called +KillSwitch. It's an app that will, once you've signed up, removes any info regarding exes in your timeline! What will "THEY" think up next?? Wow! I guess if you've had a bitter break up or have the one EX that you can't believe you were involved with, then +
KillSwitch would be a good app to utilize. Here's the URL:
How many of us watched the videos regarding the meteor that struck Rusaai?!! I made me think about a movie that I think was titled "Meteor". Close to 1000 people have been injured!! My prayers go out the everyone that has been affected in the area where the meteor landed! 10 tons! WOWZERS!! I know that the earth had a lot of meteorite strikes and Russia has had meteor strikes before but it's still a terrifying and amazing sight! The scientists have said that a lot of times , by the time a meteor goes through the atmosphere is burns up but some do make it to the earth! This probably was a downsized version of its original size!! Mind you, this is purely speculation and conjecture on my part! I'm not quoting any facts! I don't know all the details. We do have viewers from Russia and I hope that you weren't hurt and none of your friends and family were injured!
(Director: running out of time!)
Alrighty then! Speed Q&A!
First question!
Sorry! Times up! Thanks for playing! Next question!
How old are you?
Last count, 775 years old.
Final question!
You married?
My answer: it's complicated.
(Director: cue theme music. Fade in and loop chorus to fade out)
That's our show for tonight! Thanks for joining us!
Until we meet again...
Don't touch that dial! Don't change that channel! Put down the remote! Same time! Same station!
See ya 2moz!!
Peace out!
Keep Calm
May the Force be with you!


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