More Scenes From Fireside

Captain's Blog.

Star Date: 10 Years Gone

What Up?
G'Day Mate!
Welcome! Welcome!
It's another Fantastic episode of my blog!
So glad that YOU could make it! Y'know I'm most def feeling these fireside chats! It's rather cozy and personal! Have I got some exciting news to share! As you all know, I'm on various websites and group pages regarding photography. One group page in particular, is going to start up a monthly publication. A MAGAZINE!! . The editors have reached out to their members and have laid out plans regarding content! I was like:" yeah, Baby! You're barking right up my alley!" This is an opportunity for me to branch out into a new arena! More exposure!
Whooooo! Whoooo!!
Thank you! Thank you!
This great news! Right?!
Yeah, I've been emailing back and forth with one of the editors. He's read my blog. Things are looking good but gotta stay grounded!

Today, the blog is coming to you "live " from +Caribou Coffee!
"Life is short! Stay awake for it!"

Last week, we did a Q & A from the audience. Feel free to ask anything. Anything but ASL! Lol!
Alrighty then!
Yes, sir! In the front row!
What's your question?
Yes, my question is : which do you prefer to shoot with film or digital and which do you use more? Your phone or your digital camera when on a shoot?
Love this question!
I use BOTH my iPhone and my +Canon Power Shot! I like to shoot with film! Now,if I had my druthers, my ideal camera would have all the capabilities of a digital camera but in a 35mm format. Like preview, touch screen, editing to name a few! 35mm gives me an artistic feel and it's so retro that it's new! Ha! Ha! I hope that made sense! Thanks. Next question.
How about the cute little girl doing gangnam style in the aisle!
Do you have a question?
giggles then plays shy.
NO!! Mum-Mum!
Awww isn't she a doll?
Yeah! I have a question! Hey!
Got it! What's your query?
Sidebar: changing it up. Gotta keep it fresh!
Well, I was wondering about this new venture, will you write an article? Will your photography be featured?
Great question!
Yes, to both questions! I WILL write an article and feature my photography. My first assignment is regarding pychogeography. It's regarding the story that surrounds an image. I've got to do some more research but it's in keeping with the urban exploring that I will be doing in the future!
Oh! What's this? Wait...what? My battery is running low? AGAIN?!
Sidebar: bring your fracking charger..NEXT TIME!
Ok! I'm at 25% charge!
A quick one!
Sidebar: Get your mind out if the gutter!
What's your fave colour?
I have 3! They are Royal Blue, Royal purple and hot pink.
That's it for today's show! Thanks to you my viewing audience!
Hope to see you again! Soon! Real soon! Don't touch that dial! Don't change the channel! Same time! Same station!
Until we meet again...
May the FORCE be with you!
Here's some food for thought!
Something to chew on.
What do you think about me eschewing colour in favour of shooting exclusively with black and white?
Lmk, k?


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