THE BLOG: Weekend Randomness

Captain's Log.

Star Date: 09/03/????

What up?
How's it going?
Happy weekend, everyone! It's been great weather so far, this Saturday! The temps are in the 40s f or around 3 c. I have been working and sorry for not blogging more regularly.

Soz, the flowers are starting to pop ip through the snow! Yay! I love winter. Don't get me wrong but I'm ready for Spring! I can't wait to open the windows, let in some fresh air, and hear the birds singing! Believe it or not, I saw about 6 or 7 robins digging for worms on Monday! Robins don't usually show up in Michigan until after Spring Equinox! When, the robin is "officially" sighted, then, it's considered Spring in Michigan!

St. Patrick's Day is just round the corner and being Irish, I can't wait. Ok. Ok. Technically, I'm an Irish-American since I'm of Irish descent and I was born in the USA! Anyhoo, March 17 is not really a day to celebrate but to observe. Some may know and some may not, March 17 is actually the day that St Patrick was martyred. In Ireland, it's a somber day to go to church and come home to a huge dinner consisting of colcannon and Dublin Coddle. However, more and more parades and parties are given, hosted and attended on St. Paddy's! Even, in Ireland! Years ago, when the Irish first emigrated to America, March 17 was a gathering day of sorts for the émigrés to celebrate their Irish heritage as they were far from home! Parades were organized by the different clans. It was for those who were homesick to connect and reconnect with other Irishmen! The earliest known St Patrick's Day in America is dated in the 1770's and was held in Savannah, Georgia. New York followed suit as did Chicago. These cities held their parades at much later dates. Tomorrow, Detroit will hold their annual 55th St. Paddy's Parade. It will start in Corktown around noonish! Ours is a young'un. Lol!

Sitting here at the counter at +Tim Hortons, I'm contemplating going out and taking some photos or go shopping. Hmmm ...which do I want to do? Lol! Those who know me well, would say... Fill in the blank! I'll give ya a hint, I have a current catalogue from +Ulta and there's a coupon on the front cover! Btw, I love +Ulta! I found a new store by my house and I'm so geeked!

I have noticed that when using my various camera apps with the iPhone 5, I get a very nice high resolution quality image and even comparable to HDR without enabling the HDR function on the camera!

Well, so long, farewell. I'll even say adieu!
Slan Lat!🍀 👋✋👋✋
May the Force be with you!
Peace ✌out mah chivers!


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