THE BLOG: Spring Equinox

Captain's Log.
Star Date: Spring Equinox 2013

What up?
Brrrrrrr! It's colder than a witch's brass bra in January! This is the first day of Spring?! Yeah, right! Smdh! Lol! Ya know the saying that "March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb"? Well, the damn lion ATE the lamb and winter continues! I think that Old Man Winter is having his last hurrah! All I can say: " harrumph"!
I could say something much worse but it would have to edited out by the censors! Lol!
My take on the old saying is: March came in like a lion and is going out like a beast!
This year anyway...
Sidebar: there aren't any censors.

Anyhoo, moving along. I received an email from one if the various websites that I'm on for Photography. This one is +ViewBug. I had been informed that I reviewed an award for one of my photos! I was like:"whooo!". Lol! Wait. What? I don't remember entering my photo into a contest. So, I checked on it and turns out I DID receive an award for AWESOME photo!! Coolio!! This is the second time that I have won an award for my photography! Now, mind you I'm not autobragging but it is nice to let others know about your achievements. As long as you don't overdo it!! I'm not guilty of that, by far! I hope not anyways! Lol!

Yeah, so today is the first day of Spring. Well, according to all accounts such as the calendar and the groundhog, it should be the first day of Spring. Let me check the thermometer. BRB. I'm back! It's a balmy 29f out. The sun is shining! That's a good thing because it's always warmer in the sun. That's what our moms have always told us; "if you're still cold, stand where the sun is shining and you'll get warm". This only applies on the cold wintry days! I have seen posts on +Facebook that have been reposted(myself included) about when the temp hits the 90sf we'll all be moaning and groaning about the heat and wish for the colder weather again! Lol! Be careful what you wish for, you just might get it. Be careful what you wish for, you just might regret it!
Side note: words of wisdom courtesy of James Hetfield from +Metallica

Normally, I don't do this because it can have repercussions! I have to call out on some people who have a major tendency to use grammar incorrectly! Yeah, I'm one of THOSE people! Lol! For starters, when the word YOUR is used, it's the contraction YOU'RE when in reference to action NOT your. YOUR means you're in possession of something. See what I just did there! Lol! Next is the word their/ there. Once again, THEIR gives possession as THERE shows direction. Another offense is the contraction SHOULD'VE. It's not SHOULD OF. For example, one SHOULD'VE(contraction for should have) apologized for their remark. Should of refers to about something. I can't give a proper example for that but I will try! Lol! Oh yeah, the last offense is WELL for WE'LL. The word WELL is a noun in reference to a thing and can also be used as a verb and as an adjective! An example of that is : The well has dried up. That's not going to go over well. Tears have started welling up in my eyes. WE'LL is another contraction for we will. It is future tense.
Side note: I was taught grammar very well at the rulers of the nuns in Parochial schools! LOL!
(I remember one time where the entire class was smacked on the palm with a ruler! All of us had to go the principal's office! Someone wouldn't man up so, the ENTIRE class was hit! Sonofthebeach! That hurt like a mofo! I cried when I got home and there was a bruise on my palm! This was the ONE and ONLY time that I ever was hit with a ruler!)

Ok! Ok! Ok! I get it! Lol! Grammar wasn't your best subject. The best way for me to put it is: Grammatician not mathmagician!
Sidebar: mathmagician is a play on the word mathematician.
I guess, I'm just anal...uh, I mean,gifted like that!! Ha! Ha!

+Hipstamatic had JUST released an UPDATE for those of us who use that app for our +iPhoneography. It's the Silver Lake package. Included is the Dixie film and Abbie lens. I have checked out the examples and I LIKE it! I like anything that gives my images a light leak effect! Have to try it and I will post the results. BRB. OKAY! I have the results! In +Hipstamatic's description, Dixie film gives a flame and light, feathery edge to the photo. Abbie lens brings light to make a beautiful situation. . Since, I have a wedding to shoot on Saturday, I have been experimenting with which +Hipstamatic lens and film combos to use. I have an issue of the +Snap magazine that gives an how to for wedding images. The photographer is a renowned wedding photog and I'm going to "borrow"a lot of her tips and tricks. Many thanks and much gratitude in advance to +Chellise Michael!! I was hoping for a new lens/film combo update from +Hipstamatic in time for the wedding! Yay! I got my wish!

Thanks for putting up with my rants today!
Thanks to all who read this blog! I truly appreciate all of you!

May the Force be with us all.
Keep calm
And Chive On!
Until we meet again...
Peace Out! ✌

I have posted my snapshots and the first two, are the award winning photos. The latter two, are the examples using the Dixie film/ Abbie lens combo.
P.S. we +ipnoneographers are a new breed of photographer and some of us are receiving critical acclaim! Kudos and props must be given to the + iphoneographers whose images have been published in major new publications such as +Time magazine! Me, I'm the one who likes to stir up the pot, so to speak! I embrace digital photography as being innovative, I relish film photography for the creative spark and the fact, it's retro which makes it uber cool! Last but not least, there's iPhoneography! It gives the photog so much control! Shoot,edit and publish, using one device! Did I mention convenience? Lol!


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