THE BLOG: Monday Has Returned!

Captain's Blog.

Star Date: The Day of Reckoning.

Well, this date could be cryptic and maybe, it is. it a day if reckoning for you and me? Me, yes, It is in some aspects.
It's a day of reckoning for the city of Detroit. Which is a good thing! We've gone through a LOT(which is an under statement) with a former recent mayor and his cronies. Today, justice has prevailed! You do the crime, you pay the time! Guilty on most counts! I don't want to go into great detail. It will be in all the media outlets but coming from an insider's view, it hurt the people of Detroit to have someone stealing tax dollars, MILLIONS of tax dollars, that was earmarked for the fire department, police department, EMS, the parks, garbage pick ups, etc! This said former mayor used all the monies for family! Personal pleasure trips! I do feel for his three kids! Their dad is looking at 20 years in federal prison and the two younger ones, unfortunately, have memories of their father in and out of courtrooms and jails! The current mayor is trying to clean up the hot mess after the former mayor left. Many Detroiters trusted the former mayor! Yeah, it's rampant in a lot of city governments! Even, at the national levels! Today, THE PEOPLE SPOKE and said: "SHAME ON YOU! GUILTY AS CHARGED!"
What comes around, goes around.
This is a lesson for us all. Pay attention to the straight and narrow.

The day of reckoning for me, is that I'm moving into a different direction. I tried something new, out of my comfort zone. Gave it a shot and some time. It didn't really pan out for me, which is ok. I'm good with that knowledge.

So, it's a rainy Monday and that is the usual MO for Mondays! Lol! Not as warm as yesterday's temp. It was 64f and today it's in the 50s! A little windy. It's March and still winter in Michigan. We could still get snow! We have in past years! I can remember a snowstorm in April! 10 inches! The next day, though, most of it had melted! That's so typical for Michigan! It's been said that because we are surrounded by the Great Lakes, Michigan has its own weather system! Lol! I believe that! 100%!
To be continued...

Peace out! ✌🍀🍀🍀


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