THE BLOG: Tuesday Morning, Terrible Tuesday, Tacky Tuesday...

Captain's blog.
Star Date: The Ides of March Eve

What up?

GMorning to all!
Well, winter has returned to Michigan but we knew that it would! Lol! Snowing. Nothing major at the mo. Who knows how the day will fare, weather-wise.

The premise of my blog is to write about how I perceive my world through the iPhone. I, have at times, veered off the course but I try to come back to the subject matter at hand. Today, is one of those days in which I do this. Some of you might know and then again, may not know that my computer is on the fritz! Bummer for me because I have a ton and I do mean a TON of photos on my camera that that I want to transfer to the computer for uploading. Ok, that was a long-winded sentence! Lol! Thank goodness that I have a smart phone. Not a dumb phone but a smart phone. With Siri, sometimes, a smart ass phone! He/she is temperamental. I digress, I'm able to check email, download apps for banking , paying bills, my +AT&T business blah, blah. You get my drift. +Turbo Tax has a mobile app. I was able to do my taxes via the iPhone. Now, I'm singing praises but mind you, not every website is geared for a mobile device. It's very handy, convenient, on the go and all. Hopefully, more and more websites will develop mobile applications. Fingers crossed. Of course, there is a downside to this. There always is. At the moment, it's very fortunate for me that I do have the iPhone.
Feeding and enabling my addiction to the iPhone! Lol! Seriously, it's always in my hand! Ok! Don't judge but how many of you are at a complete loss if you don't have your phone on your person at all times whether it's a smart phone or not? Hmmmm? Lol! This speaks volumes. Time to get unplugged! Yeah! Right!
Sidebar: note the hint of sarcasm.

Coming up this month, in about 11 days, I will be doing a wedding. My first wedding photography shoot! I'm so excited. It's not going to be a big and grand affair. More of an intimate setting. Two of my friends are tying the knot after being together for ten years. The bride told me she admired my work and asked me to do the photography! The groom is camera shy. That could present a problem. Lol! I hope not!
They have 3 girls. I want to integrate photos of the girls with their parents into some shots. I can't wait! I have been asked before to do wedding photography by my cousin. This will give me some experience. I have been +Googling the dos and donts regarding wedding photography. I follow a board on +Pinterest that is chock full of ideas for hair, makeup, photography etc with weddings in mind. Very informative. The best advice given to me so far with regards to my shoot has been by an event planner. She said to sit down and discuss what the bride wants for her photos. Thanks. That's really necessary for me to do! I plan on giving the photos as my gifts. It's so nice to hear people comment on your work and wish to hire you for their special memories. Will I use the iPhone? Of course! I can shoot, edit and publish on the spot!

The title of today's blog isn't a misnomer. It's just how one perceives Tuesday everyone that I know loathes Monday but what about Tuesday. To me, it's a boring, do nothing sort of day. Wednesday is hump day which leads into the weekend but Tuesday....nada! Lol!

Well, I'm off!
May the Force be with us all.
Keep Calm
Drink coffee!☕
Sidebar: I drink coffee or else I would be doing time in Marquette , Ionia or Jackson! They are prisons! J/K!!
Peace out! ✌


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