THE BLOG: give a big cheer for monday...yay.

Captian's Log.
Star Date: 4/Marz/1066

Geez o Petes!
It's Monday...again!
Yeah, yeah, keep reminding you! I know. You feel the same way about Monday as I do! Lol!
What up?
How's everyone doing? I hope that the weekend was good for all. Relaxing with the fam, sleeping in late, going out with friends! Ya know the usual weekend MO. Modus operandi. That's what MO stands for. Lol! It's Latin. Maybe, not everyone knew that. The translation means: mode of operating or method of operating. Either/or. Lol! Hmmm...either/or, that's a redundant statement. Isn't it? It's either, one or the other or it's the option of having another choice! Lol! Try making heads or tails out of the previous sentence!

Having fun with Siri!
Some on you make think: "Big Whoop!".
Sidebar: say:"Big whoop"with indifference or light sarcasm.
My mindset( here we go) is just to ask random questions to Siri and see what pops up as a response. I've set Siri to the an Englishman's voice. LOVE the accent! Well, who doesn't? Right? Right?
Soz, I've asked Siri meaningless and pointless questions and the reply that pops up the most is: "Do you want me to search on the web for that?" Or " no comment"! I, then switched up my tactics and queried Siri on his personal life.
"Siri, are you single?"
No, I come in multitudes...blah, blah,"
Thats not the answer I was looking for.
"Do you like your name?"
"I don't know what you mean by that. Would you like me to search the web for Siri, do you like your name?"
Keeping it professional, Siri.
"Who am I?"
"I don't know who you are."
I was then instructed to info regarding me on Siri's settings.
Siri, please tell me a joke."
"I don't know any."
Wait. What? How come on the ads for the iPhone on Tv, Siri is telling jokes?
"Siri, are you boring?"
"No comment."
Siri proceeds to "shut down"!
My general consensus is that Siri either is keeping it professional as a personal assistant or has an attitude! Lol!
Hey! It's fun when you're bored! Lol!

I wasn't able to go on the photo shoot as planned for yesterday. Boo Hiss! Oh well! C'est la vie! The ubiquitous "something came up", came up. This weekend! Most def!

Ok, enough ramblings for today. Lol!

May the Force be with us all!
Keep Calm
Chive On!
Peace out! ✌


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