THE BLOG: The Day After

Captain's Log.
Star Date: March into Spring.

What up? How is everyone this fine Sunday morning?
Yesterday, was my FIRST wedding photography shoot EVER! I'm very grateful and thankful to have been given the opportunity! It was most def a learning experience! ALL of my photos shoots are just that, a learning experience! One thing that is consistent during my shoots, is to expect the unexpected! I have a game plan in mind but not everything goes according to plan! Yesterday's shoot was no exception!

I arrived to the church early, that was actually some advice given to me by another photog! Get to the venue early to scope out lighting and angles. Did that! The next bit of advice was to set my camera settings on auto that way I didn't miss the shot by fiddling with settings! Did that! I did my homework by pre-setting lens and film combos on the +Hipstamatic app. Took some pre-wedding shots of the bride's family and guests. Ok, this was great and I was going gangbusters until I encountered a fashion mishap! My pant legs were too long and the shoes I wore had pointy-toes. Yep, you guessed it! Let the tripping and falling commence! Boy! Did it ever!! I almost missed the shot of the bride's walk down the aisle on her father's arm because my shoe became caught in the hem of my pants! 😁
Ok. I overcame that hiccup! No problema until...after the wedding is over. This is where I actually tripped and FELL
in FRONT of the wedding party! 😳😁😱Talk about a clumsy photog! We've all seen video footage of photogs tripping at weddings and I had hoped fervently that wouldn't be me! Well, it WAS! Still, I tried to make light of it! Ha! Ha! I was starting making mental notes to self such as "plan your wardrobe"! I knew to wear comfortable shoes, which I did, dress for the occasion but look professional. I did that as well!
Sidebar: more advice given to me.
So, more tripping occurred outside of the church and the bride was involved this time! I felt bad for her! πŸ˜”
Off to the hall for the reception!

At The Hall.

I had no clue as to where the hall was located but thanks to +Google Maps, I typed in the address and found three different routes to get to the hall.
Sidebar: another tidbit of advice that was bestowed upon me. Find out location of venue ahead of time.
I did get a bit turned around following the map directions. I kept looking at the red locater pin as my current location and the green pin as my intended location! Other way round! I'm very gifted in the area of being bass ackwards!😝😜 I had to backtrack a coupe of times but I made it to the hall with tons of time to spare!
Made my way inside and found out that very few guests had arrived. I was 45 minutes early. I took the opportunity to get snap some shots of the cake. Here's where it all went downhill(for me only), I used my iPhone for some shots. This was part of my game plan. However, the fashion jinx was ever present! Now, you're asking: "why didn't I look for some safety pins or roll up the hems"? I ROLLED up the hems two times but eventually, they became unrolled. Safety pins, I found out later, were at the church and so was my coat. I had left my coat behind! The coat issue was solved promptly. In lieu of safety pins,I racked my brain for alternatives to keep my slacks cuffed. I had some hair elastics and hair pins. The hair elastics were too small. In the trunk of my car, I keep some a bag of props and I rummaged through the props looking for hair clips. I got the hair clip idea from a friend. None to be found! Time to head off to the store.

I decided to use my +Canon Power Shot for more photos. BAD IDEA! I ended taking such a tumble that my camera ended being damaged! Trying to recover and regain some sort of composure was easier said than done! It wasn't a cushioned carpet floor(the church was carpeted) that I landed on but rather hardwood flooring! Yes, once again, I did all my own "stunts" in front of a boat load full of people! I was mortified inwardly!
Trying not to show that I was a bit upset regarding my camera, I reverted to plan B. Plan B was using more of the iPhone.
Always have a contingency plan! Switching tactics wasn't undaunting. It was just another hiccup! The show must go on! Noticing that my battery life was at 50% and since, the bridal party hadn't arrived yet, with a half hour to go before the reception started, I went outside to my car and recharge the battery. The final trip is the straw which broke the camel's back! A friend called me and we chatted a bit. She was a guest who couldn't make the wedding or reception. I relayed details of the wedding to her. She informed that(she lived around the area) that was a *Rite Aid, I could go to to get safety pins and also purchase a disposable camera(s). I informed her that I was beginning to feel some pain in my wrist and thumb. I wrestled the idea of not staying at the reception. Now, I wasn't being paid for my efforts. I felt guilty to be leaving the reception. These were my friends and I was doing them a favor by taking photos of their wedding for them! I knew they couldn't afford much and told them the photos will be my gift to them. However, one doesn't bail out on friends and I FELT that I was doing exactly THAT! I talked to the best man and let him what was going on. I texted the groom to give him a heads up as well. I knew that calling wouldn't be good idea. Might not hear the phone ringing for the loud noises!
Certain movements and positions were
becoming increasingly painful in the thumb and wrist on my right hand.
Sidebar: thank God the +iPhone 5 has talk to text! Also, I'm becoming quite adept at one finger typing!
I left in search of an available Urgent Care facility. The search attempt was futile! Most Urgent Care facilities are open ONLY to 5 or 6 on weekends. It was 7:40 when I left the hall .
Well, I was feeling rather disgusted with myself. I hope that I get another chance for shooting a wedding. As I stated before, it was most def a learning experience!

I have some photos and I really thought the cake topper was so appropo for the bride and groom!

Sorry, to be rabbiting on. Lol!
I bid you a fond adieu.
Ta Ta for now!
May the Force be with us all.
Peace out! ✌

P.S. I iced my knees last night and am wearing a splint on my wrist. Thank God for +Motrin
My knees are bruised and swollen! I keep thinking: had I stayed, I could have done myself a worse mischief! It can always be worse! !


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