It's Summertime In The City

Captain's log.

Star Date: just another manic Monday

What up?
Hi to all and this weekend was a great weather weekend. The temp was perfect! Not too hot! Not too cool! Right amount of breeze, the sun was shining, the birds were singing and the sky was a bright blue with big fluffy white clouds! I refer to it a Simpson's sky! Lol.

So, there was a lot of photo ops abound and I took advantage of the great weather to capture some photos at River Days in Detroit! Yes, I will share them with you on this blog!
I incorporated The Renaissance Center or The RenCen as a background/backdrop. It's a great piece of architecture and also a icon in Detroit. I'm not going to go on about the history of The RenCen, that's what Wikipedia is for! Lol! I used hipstamatic and 645 pro. Those are my go to apps for any photo shoot. I, do have a digital camera and a 35mm but this blog is not about those cameras! Sorry to disappoint! Wink, wink!
I have been invited to participate in another contest. It's sponsored by Artists Wanted. The project is titled One Life. The premise is to upload images that reflect your world. I will post more info regarding the contest. I'm tweaking photos to upload. The sponsor want the entrants to show their best photography.
Ok, moving on. I had a photo shoot on Friday night. There was a majorette team having a fund raiser and my editor wanted me to take photos of the girls to put in his paper. It was fun! The girls and their parents were good sports. Well, don't forget to request my gallery to opened. Please! Please! Thanks. The URL is
I really appreciate it. My photography will be available for purchase and will come to the buyer gallery wrapped. It's a photo that had been printed onto canvas instead of paper and it is ready for hanging. No frames are necessary.
Until we meet again...May The Force Be With You and yeah, I know that I mixed Star Trek references with Star Wars ones!! Hey, it works and I like it!


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