TERRORIZED BY A SKUNK!!(kinda sorta)

What up!
Ever since yesterday, our block has had a visitor! A rather stinky visitor! A SKUNK! Many of my +Facebook friends have dubbed said skunk: "Pepe Le Peu"! Luckily for all of us cat owners, our cats have been inside the houses and not outside! So, having a skunk in the neighbourhood (I live the burbs) has been the talk of our block! Yeah! Exciting times in the suburbs! Lol! Mainly, we've been discussing the health of the skunk.
The skunk has been acting like it's "drunk"'. Laying down in the middle of the street or circling around aimlessly to even "playing possum", pretending to be dead! After calling the local Animal Control and finding out no one is available to come out(It's Sunday) and leaving a message with The Department of Natural Resources(The DNR) to finally, a neighbour dials 911 to get someone out to remove the skunk! All in vain! So, I attended the University of +Google(of which I am a grad student) and found various websites from "How to remove a skunk" to "Rabies Symptoms in Skunks" to "Growing up in the Midwest and living with skunks in the same space". I say: Give that Skunk a wide berth!
After reading the article about rabies and. skunks, I came to the conclusion that this skunk had some sort of disease! Ok! Onto +Facebook! I, then, posed the query as my status update, " how to remove a sick skunk without spending beacoup dollars". The use of an exterminator to come out on Sunday was in the HUNDREDS of dollars range! HOLY SCHNIKEYS!

I also found out that the skunk was exhibiting abnormal behaviour via the website. Normal behaviour is stamping of feet and spraying! "Pepe Le Peu would stick his/her tail up in the air but never sprayed. There wasn't any stamping of the feet but the wandering up and down the driveways/sidewalk/street/ to lay down or curl up on it's side! My neighbour though that it had died on her lawn because its feel were sticking straight up in the air! Yes! I took photos! Lol! According to the article in the website, there are two forms of rabies. Dumb and Aggressive. I DID not know that! Another neighbour, felt that "Pepe" most def had rabies! The symptoms of rabies in a skunk is very mangy fur and drunken appearance. The same article also had stated that most skunks were not rabid. Pepe's fur appeared to be not mangy but man, did he/she act drunk! My brother got very close to the skunk as possible and thought it was blind. According another website, I found out that skunks are very short-sighted and have a limited amount of spray! DID not know that either! Lol! Learn something new! Once a skunk is "sprayed out"(my terminology) it will stamp its feet. Pepe did none of any foot stomping!
I wanted to go to +Tim Hortons and the skunk had parked itself under my car!! How was I supposed to get in the car?!
Carefully, I walked around the car, from behind, not to startle or frighten Pepe!
Sleeping by the driver's left front tire was the skunk! I climbed in from the passenger's side and started the car. I had also, sounded the panic button to frighten Pepe out from under neath the vehicle but he was unfazed! I didn't want to run over Pepe because that would cause him to spray! I don't know if any of you, have a close encounter of the stinky kind with a skunk, but fresh spray is beyond acrid! It stings your eyes, throat, noses! It takes hours for the odor to disappear and once, you've smelled it, you'll never EVER want to smell fresh spray again!!
I rolled down the window on the driver's side and spied that Pepe was alive and looking at me but wasn't budging! Noticing that his/her tail was a bit too close to the tire, I backed up and drove off!
Couldn't help but notice that many of the other neighbours on the block were keeping a very safe distance but still gawking at Pepe nonetheless!
Now, in all honesty, I had hoped that Pepe would just wander off somewhere quiet to die peacefully! Animal Control does not always use humane methods of disposing of the wild animals they capture. Pepe didn't deserve that but then again, our cats dogs and kids didn't deserve to get rabies! Luckily for all concerned, there is a happy ending!
A neighbour , Corey and his friends managed to capture Pepe and put him in a cardboard box. Another website had said to use an upturned laundry basket or garbage can with a brick or a heavy object to weigh it down to contain the skunk until help arrived to remove it. There's a park nearby with a river and woods. I think that that's where Corey set Pepe free! I hope so!

I learned a lot about skunks today! Did you know that if you do see a skunk during the day, it may be a mother skunk looking for food? Did you know that baby skunks are called kittens? Did you know that skunks are nocturnal? They only come out at night. Did you know that a skunk will travel up to a mile from its den in search of a food source? Did you know that MOST skunks are NOT rabid? Did you know that skunk spray is called thiols? Well, now you know! Lol! Also, skunks have a limited amount off spray and contrary to popular belief, tomato juice DOES NOT get rid of skunk but + Dawn liquid Dishwashing soap, baking soda and hydrogen peroxide does!
The recipe is as follows: 1 quart 3 % hydrogen peroxide ,1/4 cup baking soda, tsp of the liquid soap and rubber/latex gloves.
This will chemically alter the spray on the dog's fur. I'll enclose a link to the web page for full instructions.
Recipe For Skunk Odor Removal.

Later, Dudes!


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