Back at the ranch...

 Captian's Blog.
Star Date: Party like it's 1999

On my return back to the ranch(house on a street in the suburbs), I couldn't help but notice how green the grass truly is! 
I thought time to capture this beauty  with my trusty...iPhone! 
Lo and behold! I whipped out my smartphone from my side pocket and of course...thud! Onto the grass, my phone bounced and landed! Noticing that it was screen side down, a feeling of fear and panic washed over me! Gingerly picking up my device, thoughts of regret were  racing through my brain:"why didn't I  buy the Apple Care?!" and "OH MY GAW! OH MY GAW!". 'Twas all for naught! My brand new iPhone6 plus was safe and the screen unmarred! Whew!! Dodged the bullet...this time! 

Soz, a lot has happened to me in the last year and I feel that I should bring the reader up to speed. 
On Monday, June 16, 2014, 2:15 pm(ish), enroute to my job, I was involved in a car accident. Travelling down 7 mile road in Redford, Mi, a car is pulling out from the side street. I see him and start to brake. Needless, to say, we collided! Lucky for me, an eyewitness verified that he pulled out in front of me. My  chest hit the steering wheel upon impact as did both of my knees crashed into the bottom of the dash! The pain in my knees was instantaneous and the wind was knocked out of me! Right then and there, I knew that I had a broken knee cap! When all the dust cleared and had settled, the other driver received the ticket, I went to the E.R.  

After two surgeries, out of work for 4 months, wearing a brace for 3, walking with crutches for 6 weeks and a cane for 2  and ongoing months of Physical Therapy, I'm at about 90% recovered. Mind you, I'm not complaining. There's been a lot of good that came out of this journey. I was able to complete tasks on my to do list, met some fabulous people and upgraded my memberships on several different photography communities that I belong to! Plus, this part is huge! The opportunity...or should I say, the luxury of sleeping in was mine for the taking!! Naps became a common occurrence, too! With the crazy schedules most people have in this world due to jobs, our circadian( sleep cycle) rhythms are off-kilter...way off kilter!  For some,  6 hours of sleep is heaven! I was getting 9!! What? What? 

So, I'm back in the saddle again and hopefully, will be a little more regular with blogging. Fingers crossed! 
Quick review of iPhone 6 plus: 
It's beyond Ah-Mazing! Love it to death! My new BFF! 
The Apple camera is the far for an iPhone! I'll leave you with some images solely taken with the native camera. 


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